Let us create a one of a kind bouquet that makes YOU feel extra special on your day.
Add that magical touch to the day you will remember saying, “I DO”.
Each europen hand tied bouquet is one of a kind and will make you feel like a queen.
Your throw away bouquet should also shine as you toss it to another in love. Make it worth reaching for.
Be confident behind a one of a kind hand tied bouquet while you walk down that isle.
Simple and elegant is sometimes all you need to add that little extra to your day.
It’s the little things that bring a big event together. We create one of a kind boutonnieres and corsages adding that extra touch.
Be uniqe and order your bridesmades one of a kind corsages instead of bouquets. They are one of a kind ad will appreciate the hands free.
The groomsmen appreciate the little things too so why not add a splash of colour to their lappels. Showing them that they are unique.
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